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Laws of Leadership

There are laws not taught in the business schools but learned in the tough ruthless business jungle and the power avenues of politics. These are like the rules of chess, the Laws of Leadership when understood and lived, will take you through corridors of power and money which you could never imagine

No matter how well intentioned you may be, no matter how competent you may be, if you get this wrong, you wont hold your position for long, worst case scenario, you will never regain that position ever after having lost it even once

This course is brought to you in two modules - a capsule introductory module and the full course
Mode of payment is Pay Pal. After your payment successfully goes through, you will recieve an invitation with details of joining the training
In event you have trouble or intend to use another method of payment, please contact us


Introduction Capsule

This course is for 1 hour and introduces you to 6 important laws of Leadership


Full Course

This course is for 6 hours
This covers 20 laws of Leadership This module also touches on types of leadership models to understand leadership behaviour as a take-away

For those who do the Capsule course first get a 20% discount!

Introduction Capsule

$ 30.00   One time payment

Full Course

$ 200.0                          One time Payment